
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 16:51:03
Please do it in the way___I told you.
A /
B which
C on which
D in which
我想问一下,A B D 有什么区别,望详细说明,谢谢~~~~~~~~

-- 我想问 in which, on which,
我想问 in which, on which, of which, at which .... 诸如此类ㄉ文法

怎麼用???? 我常常在文章里看到这些~~~ 但不知意思~~~


(A) which 是形容词子句的连接词.形容词子句也叫关系子句,它通常是
一个形容词来用.例:I have a personal computer which cost me

(B) 底下有两个简单句:
(1) I have a personal computer. (2) The computer cost me
NT$20,000. 现在把两句合并(连接起来),就成为I have a personal
computer which cost me NT$200,000. 其中which 是连接词,它代替(并兼
任)了第2句原来的主词 The computer.

(C) 再看下两句:
(1) I have a personal computer. (2) There is a hard disk in the
现在把两句合并(连接起来),第1步:I have a personal computer there
is a hard disk in which. 其中which代替了第2句原来的in的受词.第2
步:把which 移到合并句中computer和there之间,成为I have a
personal computer which there is a hard disk in. 像前一个例子一